近(jin)日(ri),Frontiers in Plant Science 在線發表(biao)中(zhong)(zhong)國農(nong)大王建(jian)華(hua)和中(zhong)(zhong)國農(nong)科院劉允軍團隊題(ti)為“ Transcriptome Analysis of Maize Immature Embryos Reveals the Roles of Cysteine in Improving Agrobacterium Infection Efficiency”研究(jiu)論(lun)文,系統解析了半(ban)胱(guang)氨酸(suan)提(ti)高農(nong)桿(gan)菌(jun)(jun)介(jie)導(dao)的(de)(de)玉(yu)米(mi)(mi)幼胚(pei)(pei)轉(zhuan)化效(xiao)率(lv)(lv)的(de)(de)機理。 最近(jin)幾年,玉(yu)米(mi)(mi)的(de)(de)遺傳轉(zhuan)化效(xiao)率(lv)(lv)不斷提(ti)高,其(qi)中(zhong)(zhong)抗氧(yang)化劑半(ban)胱(guang)氨酸(suan)可明顯提(ti)高玉(yu)米(mi)(mi)幼胚(pei)(pei)的(de)(de)農(nong)桿(gan)菌(jun)(jun)轉(zhuan)化效(xiao)率(lv)(lv),但其(qi)機理尚不明確,在本研究(jiu)中(zhong)(zhong)作者(zhe)證(zheng)明通過在共培(pei)養培(pei)養基(ji)中(zhong)(zhong)添加半(ban)胱(guang)氨酸(suan)可以明顯HiII和Z31兩個品種的(de)(de)農(nong)桿(gan)菌(jun)(jun)轉(zhuan)化效(xiao)率(lv)(lv),半(ban)胱(guang)氨酸(suan)處理后的(de)(de)幼胚(pei)(pei)活性氧(yang)的(de)(de)含量(liang)要(yao)高于對照組,通過轉(zhuan)錄組測序進一步研究(jiu)證(zheng)明,半(ban)胱(guang)氨酸(suan)處理后939個基(ji)因表(biao)達(da)上調,這(zhe)些基(ji)因主(zhu)要(yao)參(can)與氧(yang)化還原(yuan)反(fan)應過程(cheng),另外有549個基(ji)因表(biao)達(da)下調,主(zhu)要(yao)參(can)與細胞壁(bi)和細胞膜代謝過程(cheng)。 Maize Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency has been greatly improved in recent years. Antioxidants, such as, cysteine, can significantly improve maize transformation frequency through improving the Agrobacterium infection efficiency. However, the mechanism underlying ...
The free-living flatworm, Macrostomum lignano has an impressive regenerative capacity. Following injury, it can regenerate almost an entirely new organism because of the presence of an abundant somatic stem cell population, the neoblasts. This set of unique properties makes many flatworms attractive...
An overview of our assembly strategy is shown in Figure 1. We started with a SOAPdenovo- based de novo assembly of Illumina sequence data from human HapMap sample NA12878, which had a contig N50 of 11.1 kb and a scaffold N50 of 590 kb after filtering for scaffolds that were at least 3 kb in length (...
Transposable elements and expression of retrotransposons Long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons were identified using structural criteria10,11. About 44% of the assembly was accounted for by TEs (Supplementary Table 8 ). LTR retrotransposons were the most abundant of these elements, repres...
Winter dormancy is a well known mechanism adopted by temperate plants, to mitigate the chilling temperature of winters. However, acquisition of sufficient chilling during winter dor-mancy ensures the normal phenological traits in subsequent growing period. Thus, low tem-perature appears to play cruc...
Whole genome protein families were classified by InterProScan analysis (Jones et al., 2014). The peptidase families were identified by BLASTP searching against MEROPS peptidase database release 9.12 with a cuto? e-value of 1e-20 (Rawlings et al., 2014). The transporters were classified on the b...